, Applicative
, Foldable
, but what is the sense behind Traversable
?class (Functor t, Foldable t) => Traversable t where
-- | Map each element of a structure to an action, evaluate these actions
-- from left to right, and collect the results. For a version that ignores
-- the results see 'Data.Foldable.traverse_'.
traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
traverse f = sequenceA . fmap f
-- | Evaluate each action in the structure from left to right, and
-- and collect the results. For a version that ignores the results
-- see 'Data.Foldable.sequenceA_'.
sequenceA :: Applicative f => t (f a) -> f (t a)
sequenceA = traverse id
In particular what is the meaning of
traverse f = sequenceA . fmap f
For beginner Haskell programmers specific class instances are more understandable and useful than abstract class definitions. It is better understanding and using the IO Monad, or the Maybe Monad, than knowing perfectly the theory behind the generic Monad class definition. For the same reasons, it is better understanding different instances ofTraversable
class, than the abstract theory behind it.Traverse a List applying Maybe semantic
uses functions with two generic types: f
that is an Applicative
context, t
that is a Foldable
.We will start with an example using
for the applicative part (the f
), and List
for the Functor
part (the t
has a simple and clear Applicative
semantic: stop the computation and return Nothing
when one of intermediate passages returns Nothing
has a simple Functor
semantic: fmap
applies a function to every element of the list.sequenceA
function became sequenceA :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe [a]
from the elements of the list, and if there is any Nothing
element, return Nothing
instead of the list.{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Data.Traversable
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List as L
-- | All the tests of the code assertions.
main = putStrLn $ show $ L.all id [
, mtest2
, mtest1M
, mtest2M
, mtest3
, mtest4
, mtest3M
, mtest4M
, mtest4M'
, stest1
, stest2
, stest3
, ltest1
, ltest2
from the list:mf1 :: Maybe [Int]
mf1 = sequenceA [Just 1, Just 2]
mtest1 :: Bool
mtest1 = (mf1 == Just [1, 2])
value, then the entire result became Nothing
:mf2 :: Maybe [Int]
mf2 = sequenceA [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing]
mtest2 :: Bool
mtest2 = (mf2 == Nothing)
mf1M :: Maybe [Int]
mf1M = do
x <- return 1
y <- return 2
return [x, y]
mtest1M = (mf1 == mf1M)
mf2M :: Maybe [Int]
mf2M = do
x <- return 1
y <- return 2
z <- empty
return [x, y, z]
mtest2M = (mf2 == mf2M)
for this specific instance of Traversable
? The semantic is self-explanatory studying its type sequenceA :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe [a]
. But sadly for us, we can not generalize it, as we will see in next sections.traverse
function became: traverse :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe [b]
, we need a function returning Maybe
:mf :: Int -> Maybe Int
mf x = if (even x) then Just x else Nothing
and then:
mf3 :: Maybe [Int]
mf3 = traverse mf [2,4]
mtest3 = (mf3 == Just [2,4])
All elements of the list are even, and so the same list without modifications is returned.
If we insert a not even element, then
is returned:
mf4 :: Maybe [Int]
mf4 = traverse mf [2,4,5]
mtest4 = (mf4 == Nothing)
As usual we can rewrite using the
mf3M :: Maybe [Int]
mf3M = do
x <- mf 2
y <- mf 4
return [x, y]
mtest3M = (mf3M == mf3)
mf4M :: Maybe [Int]
mf4M = do
x <- mf 2
y <- mf 4
z <- mf 5
return [x, y, z]
mtest4M = (mf4M == mf4)
defines also mapM
that is simply traverse
. We can rewrite in this way:
mf4M' :: Maybe [Int]
mf4M' = do
r <- mapM mf [2, 4, 5]
return r
mtest4M' = (mf4M' == mf4M)
In this case, the
function captures the well known concept of mapM
inside the Maybe
.Traverse a List applying List semantic
Now we will use an instance ofTraversable
with List
both as container (for t
), and as Applicative
(for f
).The List applicative behavior is similar to Prolog: it combines all possible combinations of generators, filtering on constraints.
The List functor behavior is the usual
: it applies a function to every element of the list.sequenceA
In this case, we have:
sequenceA :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
sequenceA = traverse id
traverse :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [[b]]
traverse f = List.foldr cons_f (pure [])
where consF x ys = (:) <$> f x <*> ys
Due to specific implementation of
for List
, sequenceA
became a combinatoric function performing a “transpose-like” operation, combining columns with lines:
stest1 = sequenceA [[1,2,3], [4,5]] == [[1,4],[1,5],[2,4],[2,5],[3,4],[3,5]]
The corresponding function defined using Prolog-like semantic is
transposeAndCombine :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
transposeAndCombine linesAndCols = tc [] linesAndCols
tc :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
tc r1 [] = return r1
tc r1 (xs:rs) = do
x <- xs
tc (r1 ++ [x]) rs
stest3 = let l = [[1,2,3], [4,5]]
in transposeAndCombine l == sequenceA l
In case of
the Nothing
value invalidates all the computations. In case of List
the value invalidating all computations is []
stest2 = sequenceA [[1,2,3], [4,5], []] == []
In this case the
function has a rather useful and reusable behaviour: transpose and combine columns with lines. Knowing this behavior in advance, the sequenceA
function can be called directly, without using the do-notation form that is less clear.But this behavior is very different from the
instance with Maybe
and Applicative
. So the Traversable
class does not help us in predicting the sequenceA
semantic. We had to study it case by case.traverse
traverse :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [[b]]
traverse f = List.foldr cons_f (pure [])
where consF x ys = (:) <$> f x <*> ys
If we play with
, we obtain:
lf :: Int -> [Int]
lf x = [x * 10, x * 100]
lxs :: [Int]
lxs = [1, 2]
lf1 :: [[Int]]
lf1 = traverse lf lxs
lfxs = [[10, 20], [10, 200], [100, 20], [100, 200]]
ltest1 = (lf1 == lfxs)
The semantic using Prolog-like rules is not immediate. A first but bad version is:
lf1M' :: [Int]
lf1M' = do
x <- lxs
y <- lf x
return y
ltest1M' = (lf1M' == [10, 20, 100, 200])
It isn’t correct because it combines too few things.
The behavior of
is: transposeAndCombine
the results of the function applications with the list of possible arguments. The corresponding code is:
lf1AsTransf :: [[Int]]
lf1AsTransf = transposeAndCombine (map lf lxs)
ltest2 = (lf1AsTransf == lfxs)
In this form the code is clear, so we don’t derive a Prolog-like version.
In this case
has not a basic and natural semantic. Probably there are not much cases in real-life code, where we want such strange and extreme combinatoric behavior. Probably we are more interested to the behavior of functions like lfm1M'
, expressed with the do-notation.Conclusions
After these examples, we can return to our original question: what is the meaning oftraverse f = sequenceA . fmap f
? My lazy and arrogant answer is: I don’t bother! :-)The motivations are:
- also if I can grasp the concepts behind
, it will not help in understanding real-life code usingTraversable
, because every instance oftraverse
has a very different and specific semantic. - so I must study each instance of
in isolation, for understanding its behavior. This is similar to IO Monad, Maybe Monad, Either Monad: knowing the Monad concepts helps, but every instance has its proper semantic and usage case, and it must be mastered apart. - maybe instance by instance, I can someday comprehend the concepts behind
, but up to date this can be postponed, because it seems more complex to master respectFunctor
and other base class. - in the end I’m a poor OO programmer, not a mathematician expert of category-theory.
can represent many different things in Haskell. Also if I don’t understand completely its meaning, because it is too much abstract and tied to category-theory universe, this does not prevent me from studying and comprehending perfectly its specific instances, and using them in end-user code.
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